Monday, July 22, 2019

My fault, all my fault.

There have been moments were
I wondered how I have made it 
this far in life. 
I have watched several YouTube videos
 with others who have disabilities. 
It made me realize how blessed I have been.  
I might not be able to see out of two eyes, 
but at least I can see.
I can drive, read, and write a book.
I walk without help and clean my home.
I can make dinner, sew and
 see my children and grandchildren.  
There have been moments I have wished my mother 
would of never contracted the German Measles 
while pregnant with me. 
How different would my life be. 
Would I have married who I married?
Would I have ever been a Mother, Grandmother or wife? 

My brother who is six years older than me 
told me it was hard on him too when I was born. 
He was a little boy unable to comprehend why his 
Mother was always gone at the hospital
 taking care of his sick little sister.

The little sister I don't think he wished my parents ever had. 
Then he wouldn't of had his mother gone all the time.
He wouldn't of had to sit at 
the hospital for hours waiting and waiting. 

It's my fault 
But I couldn't help it.  

Brother, I am sorry you had to endure
 the struggle
 of me being born. 

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