Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Love between two people encircles desires much more
than the sky that encircles the world.
lips touch,
Sending warmth and comfort
No words need to be spoken,
Because the two souls send
Comfort and trust as their lips connect
Eyes closed with a tight squeeze
Words unspoken of
Honey I love you.
A kiss brings peace to the heart and mind.


Said the little girl
As she walked down the road.
Untouched with emotions

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Alone even when surrounded by people.

How often have you been surrounded by others and still felt like you were alone?  Have you ever been with a group of people and felt like you were the oddball?  As if your comments would not be important to the conversation. So, you decide to stay on the side-line and not contribute. I know for me, I will admit, often I feel like I am the outsider when I'm with a group of friends or family. When I listen to the conversation I process what they are saying and sometimes feel a need to say something, but I end up staying quiet and letting them make an opinion.
Why do we feel this way or act this way? Why do we let others action dictate how we will respond to a question or problem?
I have always felt a need to have a witness to why I said something or did something.

I wonder if its because the of the way I was brought up. Was it because the way my grandmother was or the way I was treated at school.? You know me the one eyed freak.

Why do we let others opinions about us dictate how we feel about ourselves?